
Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well, tonight marks the halfway point of my two-weeks notice. I'm glad it's going to be over soon. It was a really good job, but now that I'm so busy all of the time there's no chance I could carry on this way. I already missed a couple of classes due to oversleeping my post-work nap. I need good grades.

Speaking of good grades, I may not be graduating this semester after all. Which is a problem. But we'll cross that bridge when it becomes a bridge of reality rather than a bridge of supposition.

I had my first private acting lesson with Michael today, and let me just say, HOLY CRAP. I think it was the most educational 45 minutes of my young adult life. I'm so glad I decided to do this, I'm going to grow so much -- I'm making a personal Rule of Steel that I will just do whatever he tells me to do without thinking and without asking questions. I'm going to jump.

Anyway, today is the first day of UTA and I sort of house-managed All Shook Up, which Phoebe is starring in. I watched the first act from the back of the theatre and ohmygosh, when she started to sing, I cried like a baby. My sisters (and brothers, too, for that matter) are such beautiful, talented, humble people. I couldn't have been more proud than I was tonight.

(That's my baby right thurr.)

Spencer and I got all registered at BioLife and now we are official plasma donors/prostitutes. We're saving money for KCA, and our second appointment is shortly after my shift gets over. Also, today I bought this camera:

It's a Holga 135BC (the BC stands for "black corners" because it vignettes pictures). It is not digital -- it takes 35mm film and also does not require batteries, which means it relies purely on the powers of science. I'm going to take it with me to KCACTF and get some artistic theatre people pictures going. Ultimately, I'd like to learn how to process film and maybe even have a darkroom in my house someday, but right now I'm just excited about taking dreamy, tangible photographs.

I have a math test in the midst of tomorrow's UTA madness, so I'm gonna go study now. Tra la la.

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