I read somewhere, once, that everybody already knows everything, and that the process of learning isn't so much learning as it is remembering -- and the more comfortable I become with the existence of my cosmic scope, the more thoroughly I am entranced by this philosophy. It seems that the next few months are going to be filled with remembering.
I keep having these out-of-body experiences. Not the kind where I'm outside, looking at my physical self from across the room -- the kind where all of a sudden I feel jolted out of my own consciousness. It's like my mind has stretched out in all directions. No matter where I am, I feel grounded, and completely whole, and (most importantly) overwhelmed with two unmistakable sensations: love and peace. But these experiences are over just as quickly as they begin, and in an instant I've returned to my bedroom, my classroom, my car. I'm just Hannah again. I've forgotten.
I guess this could all sound very weird and new age-y, or like I've been taking drugs. But all my life I've been looking for something completely true -- I've tried to find it in relationships, in friendships, in art and music and nature -- and these feelings of love and peace are the most true things I think I've ever dealt with before.
The end.
ooooh i like this post a lot! and i think i may have dealt with something semi similar... but thats awesome! i hope you keep getting jolted! (but not too much, we don't want you getting shaken baby syndrome)