
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dawn of the Dead.

Today was mind-numbing. I got an hour or so of sleep in before my directing discussion final thing, then Spencer and I went to Jazzy's for lunch (Surprise! Best onion rings in THE WORLD!) and then I went home and slept some more. After that Karli, Koby and I got together for a music rehearsal (Karli and I are singing "O Come, O Come, Immanuel" in sacrament meeting on Sunday). Then I ran some errands for Mom, hung out with Alexa, and went to the department Christmas party.

Then I slept some more and now I am at work.

Tomorrow I have NO FINALS, so I'm gonna sleep a ton and read (if I wake up). Also, finish Spencer's Christmas present, even though he was kind of a dweeb tonight and wouldn't let me lean my head on him even though I was A MILLION YEARS TIRED and even though I would let him lay on me any day.

Okay, that sounds dirty, but it's not meant to be (this time).

...It looks like I am becoming a champion of parentheticals.

Right now I'm trying really hard not to fall asleep. I'm afraid I will never wake up and my boss will come in this morning and will find me on the floor, face stuck to the chair-mat and drool all over the place. I went to the bathroom like twenty minutes ago and I look like a ZOMBIE.

In other news: My year-end music list is almost done. I've been reading the ones put out by Pitchfork for like four years now, and they always pick the most random shiz in the most random order -- like, seriously, I think Sufjan Stevens' album The Age of Adz is like #29 for 50 Best Albums of 2010 which is RIDICULOUS because that album has been playing in my car nonstop since it came out and I only come to love it more with each passing day.

Also: I think I'm going to start a music blogging project, wherein I review every album I own. Alphabetically, with no regard for release date or genre. I am going to need a project to do over this stupid winter break, so I figured something at least marginally creative would be a good idea.


I guess that's all.

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